Contact Us!
We look forward to any contact inquiries and are available to you at any time. We are always open to new educational partners, host families, those interested in learning and motivated employees.
GEP - German Education Partners
Ludwigstraße 31
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 7606 8224 / +49 69 2100 6568
E-Mail: [email protected]
GEP China Office
上海市黄浦区西藏中路18号港陆广场1903室 Postleitzahl: 200001
Rm. 1903 Habour Ring Plaza, Middle Xizang Road 18, Huangpu District, Shanghai, P.R. China
Telefon: +86 021 54356169
E-Mail: [email protected]
GEP - German Education Partners
Ludwigstraße 31
60327 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 7606 8224 / +49 69 2100 6568
E-Mail: [email protected]
GEP China Office
上海市黄浦区西藏中路18号港陆广场1903室 Postleitzahl: 200001
Rm. 1903 Habour Ring Plaza, Middle Xizang Road 18, Huangpu District, Shanghai, P.R. China
Telefon: +86 021 54356169
E-Mail: [email protected]