GEP Home - A Home away from Home!
_________________________________ Our boarding school GEP Home is a place where many of our students of the same age from different partner schools come together. In the GEP Home you can exchange ideas, support each other and share experiences. We always pursue a warm, familiar and respectful approach to each other.
The GEP Home is located in Frankfurt am Main. Here, on the one hand, there is a place for students who, for example, visit one of our partner schools near Frankfurt, attend a language course in Frankfurt or do a one-year internship at GEP to obtain a technical college entrance qualification. On the other hand, students who come to GEP Home over the weekend or on vacation when their schools are closed also live here.
Here, too, our students have a regular everyday life, with regular study times and daily duties, such as tidying up rooms or cleaning services. Our cooks provide the students with traditional Chinese cuisine. It is important to us to give the students here in Germany a piece of home. That is why we also celebrate all important Chinese holidays in GEP Home, such as the Chinese New Year, for which our students travel every year from all over Germany.